If This Weren't So Ideal

Throwback Thursday: I wrote this poem inspired by the ideal gas law while studying for the MCAT two years ago. I actually wrote about 24 poems, inspired by MCAT topics, infused with human experience. I'll be sharing more and hopefully writing more :) Enjoy!


 If This Weren't So Ideal


We touch for a moment

But we might as well

Not even exist

For this world is ideal.


I see you, always

But your shape

Is barely a ghost

Of what I know you could be.


If we were not trapped

In this ideal state

This heat would wane

And you'd pause for once;


You and I, we'd slow

And breathe, and see

Each other so far

And close the quivering gap.


22.4 would be no more

As the space around us

Snuggled in close

Pressuring us tenderly.


You would swell as I

Press against your shell

Forces of attraction

Free to dominate us,


If this weren't so ideal.
